Monday, August 25, 2008

The Way I See It...

Do you ever read them? The backs of your Starbucks containers? Move the sleeve and you'll see it. A random quote from someone you may or may not have heard of. Sometimes it's a quote about life. Sometimes about love. Sometimes even about coffee.

And every now and then, there's one that just grabs you right where you're sitting and says, "Listen Up! I got somethin' to tell ya!" This was mine today. The day after the week after the months of self-doubt.

What did your Coffee tell you this week? Were they just random quotes or were any of them little bits of serendipity? Post a picture link or text in the comments section below.



Thursday, August 21, 2008

Good Company, Good Eats

One of the things I like to do is check out new restaurants. It's not really good for the thighs, but hey... it's a lot of fun.

My husband, The Pilot has a favorite beer. It's called The Arrogant Bastard. Yes, irony comes in liquid form, as well. Anyway, it's brewed by a hip local company called Stone. They have a bunch of Gen X'rs in charge, which is always a good thing. They are good greenies, evidenced by putting some walk to their talk. This year they switched to solar power at the brewery and bio-diesel in their trucks. Their philosophy on food mirrors their overall philosopies. And that is right in line with the kind of company I want to support. So last night, we decided to check out the Bistro and Gardens we've been hearing so much about.


The place was packed inside, but also way way outside. They do a special event every Wednesday night: The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Get Out, right? In honor of the weekly showing, they serve Transvestite Meatloaf and Toast. Tempting as that was, I chose the Tandoori Chicken, but only after enjoying Onion Rings the size of bagels and a tasty little salad of Dried Apricots and Prosciutto. I reluctantly shared that with The Pilot who had Mac & Beer Cheese topped with Porter Sausage for dinner. Then it was on to dessert. It was a tough choice, but I finally went with the Arrogant Bastard Chocolate Cake.

Arrogant Bastard meets Chocolate Cake... kinda describes us as a couple, doesn't it?

We took the cake and beer out to the garden where a lovely floating fire pit was blazing. The rock from which the fire was emanating was surrounded by lilies and off to the side, a small waterfall made familiar trickling sounds just as sweet as the cake. It was a great way to end a really cool evening with my arrogant bastard... er, I mean... husband.


I listed the rest of their desserts. Some are kinda crazy, but if you were at a cool new restaurant where people with lawnchairs were marching through to get to see Susan lose her cool, wouldn't you want to try something a little more daring too? Which one of Stones strange desserts would you choose? The poll is up... let's hear it! Oh... and...

Let' do the time warp, again!!!

The Pilot and Mrs. Jones

The big brew machines are the perfect backdrop to the bar.

I love creativity and honesty in a menu.

Here's the movie set up. We're going back for their Family Night movie series. No need to explain Transvestites to the kids just yet...

This was the "floating" fire pit where we enjoyed our dessert.

Right then... go vote now...


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Next I'll Be Buying The National Enquirer

Okay, so with all this humidity and my photography calendar just filling up like I deserve it (YEAH!), I've had to let Pop Culture talk over this blog for the week. I love to have something joyful, or at the very least funny here. And you know what?

Politics Ain't Funny!

Imagine my surprise when I was totally drawn in by Paris Hilton's energy crisis solution. I know... I know... she had a writer do it all for her. But you know what? I just never thought she could pull off stringing all of those words together!

So, I hope you vote for your favorite candidate and please make sure to play this video. Cause you know... Paris doesn't have nearly enough exposure...

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Mental Block

I can't think of a poll! I'll have to do some serious thinking while I'm playing Dance Dance Revolution and Wii tonight with the kids from the church. It's TOTALLY TERRIFIC TUESDAY!

Check back tomorrow... my mental block might have been loosened up by the jarring my 30-Somethin' bod takes tonight.