Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I know I said I'd have something last Friday. I kept thinking that if I wrote it and put a date to it, I would actually crawl out from under all of the other commitments in my life and manage a post. But there is a force greater than my best intentions. One I succumb to with aplomb...


I was reading this article on MSN this morning and thought, okay... I have to put this up. Because if you're like me, you'll think it's funny. And if you're not... well, then you'll have a little more understanding... I hope.

Now, when I first saw the teaser to the article, I right away decided that I knew what kind of procrastinator I was. I thought for sure I was a 100% Dreamer Procrastinator. I mean, that just sounds so much more... dreamy. But in reading the other descriptions, I started to think that I might be a little bit of all of them.

What kind of Procrastinator are you? Check out that MSN article for the definitions. then click on the poll on the side. I'm curious to see how many dreamers, prefectionists, and other types are visiting here in my little cafe. And don't pretend you're not at least a little bit of a procrastinator. Aren't you reading this blog instead of getting back to that client or folding the laundry? ;)

As far as that little giveaway? It's going to have to wait until I get back from Oregon. What the heck am I doing in Oregon?


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


This has got to be the toughest month to get to have any fun in. It's the month that all the world gets back to reality. Hence, the reason for little nothing getting posted on this blog. I have, however, kept up on my 365 project and of course, nothing can stop the blogging on Living - In Theory. Not even a debilitating internal issue that required medicine that promises headaches and dizziness. YAY!

So, with that, I'll promise to have something really cool to write here by the end of the week. In fact, I'm actually thinking about a GiveAway! What? Like a prize? For commenting and voting? What kind of prize you ask? Come back Friday and I'll tell ya...


Thursday, September 4, 2008


I know it looks like the same cup as before, but wait... this is actually a new cup! Come here... closer... LOOK! Wanna know what it says?


I read today's Starbuck's cup... just to see... here's what it read:

Today, we begin the adventure of Homeschooling for the second year. Last year was rife with challenges only because we had to unlearn a lot of the established ways of thinking. We made it across the finish line at the end of the year with big smiles on our faces. And for two weeks after that, we didn't have a clue what to do with ourselves. We have missed the adventures of following a simple question to multiple answers and then following those new questions to even more answers. And through it all, my son picked up a thirst for learning, as well. It's amazing how ready kids are to just soak up their day. I'm so thankful that I have the opportunity to watch it and to be here to guide them. The days are not without their challenges, but then again...

no adventure is.


There's a poll up (finally!) again. What was your favorite subject when you were a kid? What class could you just not get enough of? And in the comments section, please share a story about your favorite teacher or person who inspired you to open your mind and learn. It would be great to read as the teaching mom who could use a little inspiration ever now and then...
