Thursday, September 4, 2008


I know it looks like the same cup as before, but wait... this is actually a new cup! Come here... closer... LOOK! Wanna know what it says?


I read today's Starbuck's cup... just to see... here's what it read:

Today, we begin the adventure of Homeschooling for the second year. Last year was rife with challenges only because we had to unlearn a lot of the established ways of thinking. We made it across the finish line at the end of the year with big smiles on our faces. And for two weeks after that, we didn't have a clue what to do with ourselves. We have missed the adventures of following a simple question to multiple answers and then following those new questions to even more answers. And through it all, my son picked up a thirst for learning, as well. It's amazing how ready kids are to just soak up their day. I'm so thankful that I have the opportunity to watch it and to be here to guide them. The days are not without their challenges, but then again...

no adventure is.


There's a poll up (finally!) again. What was your favorite subject when you were a kid? What class could you just not get enough of? And in the comments section, please share a story about your favorite teacher or person who inspired you to open your mind and learn. It would be great to read as the teaching mom who could use a little inspiration ever now and then...



Suzanne said...

I love the inspirational saying from your coffee...hey, I may just start going to starbucks to read them myself.
Good for you homeschooling. I could nver do it. I hated school, really bad. I don't recall any teachers taking any special interest in helping me out either.
I did like language arts though, writing, grammer etc....
I do threaten my kids with homeschooling when they are bad. :)

HWHL said...

I like that coffee cup. But what in the world is an "ethno-botanist"? I'm picturing an ethnocentrist... is it similar? (Like one plant saying to another... well WE'RE better than YOU... so... nanny nanny boo boo...).

As far as fave subjects, I loved math and science when I was young, then as I got older, I definitely leaned more towards the humanities... interesting how girls are "steered" more towards those subjects...

Sugar Jones said...

OMG, Suz! I am laughing! "If you kids don't shut up... I'm homeschooling you!" Good Lord... I bet that's what my neighbors think... hahaha!

HWHL: Yeah, and what's and "Emerging" Explorer? I'm picturing a woman clawing her way out of the jungle and into the sunlight... so funny. :)

Unknown said...

Okay, so this is totally off base - but why are you drinking a Starbucks? I thought you were loyal to your fav lil' local french coffee shop? what's up with that?

Sugar Jones said...

Oh Buck, you caught me! Actually, my husband is the Starbuck's fan. They put one inside the grocery store a couple blocks away. I still go over to the cafe, but I have asked them to get some kind of quotes on their cups in exchange for my reading to the kids on Tuesdays there. It's the least they could do, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

I am homeschooling my beautiful daughter too:)I think homeschooling is good but can be really stressful at times.

Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

Hm, so many inspirational teachers. I think those who influenced me most were all passionate about the subject matter they were teaching. They just clearly loved it and wanted to share that love. They also challenged me to look deeper and see the world in a new, more complex, richer way.