Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pick a Word

I hate being "tagged" as something... only ONE thing... I am WAY more dynamic than one tiny little adjective. However, there are times when I am feeling a feeling. And in that moment, a word will come to define that space in time.

Right now... where you are... what word would you use? There's a poll of to the right just waiting to be clicked on.

Go on... I dare you.


Sugar Jones said...

I am diggin this poll! Thanks to everyone who has voted. Now I have to think of another one that will get this response rate!


tiffany said...

Thanks for posting. We have a lot of similar interests. Especially music preferences. :)

thehirschgang said...

Thanks for leaving your comment on my blog...I just started blogging this year, and LOVE it. I'm a journaler at heart, so this is very convenient, especially since we have many family and friends who live so far from us. And yes, I am enjoying our new camera. Yesterday one of our daughters turned 2, and her party is tonight. I'm so excited to use it.

Sugar Jones said...

So apparently, I have some strong, magnificent friends in the blogosphere... yet not one audacious friend. Hmmm...

Thanks for all those who voted. Next one publishes on 6/11. I think you'll like it.

Aimee said...

My ex boyfriend's old roommate called me Sassy the first time I met him. So I think I'd pick that.
Or spunky.
I do have spunk.
and also - loud. :D

Sugar Jones said...

How funny... sassy is a word I love to use when I'm feeling all Sugar'd up!

Claudia Jean said...

Rather than doing, I just check in with the beautiful San Diego sunshine and I am filled with JOY JOY JOY. I moved here from the Portland, OR area in 2000 and it feels like one long vacation. God is good!