This will explain everything...
So, from now on, please come visit me at We have a lot of fun there...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
We're Moving
Posted by Sugar Jones at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I know I said I'd have something last Friday. I kept thinking that if I wrote it and put a date to it, I would actually crawl out from under all of the other commitments in my life and manage a post. But there is a force greater than my best intentions. One I succumb to with aplomb...
I was reading this article on MSN this morning and thought, okay... I have to put this up. Because if you're like me, you'll think it's funny. And if you're not... well, then you'll have a little more understanding... I hope.
Now, when I first saw the teaser to the article, I right away decided that I knew what kind of procrastinator I was. I thought for sure I was a 100% Dreamer Procrastinator. I mean, that just sounds so much more... dreamy. But in reading the other descriptions, I started to think that I might be a little bit of all of them.
What kind of Procrastinator are you? Check out that MSN article for the definitions. then click on the poll on the side. I'm curious to see how many dreamers, prefectionists, and other types are visiting here in my little cafe. And don't pretend you're not at least a little bit of a procrastinator. Aren't you reading this blog instead of getting back to that client or folding the laundry? ;)
As far as that little giveaway? It's going to have to wait until I get back from Oregon. What the heck am I doing in Oregon?
Posted by Sugar Jones at 8:04 AM 5 comments
Labels: dream, perfection, poll, procrastination
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
This has got to be the toughest month to get to have any fun in. It's the month that all the world gets back to reality. Hence, the reason for little nothing getting posted on this blog. I have, however, kept up on my 365 project and of course, nothing can stop the blogging on Living - In Theory. Not even a debilitating internal issue that required medicine that promises headaches and dizziness. YAY!
So, with that, I'll promise to have something really cool to write here by the end of the week. In fact, I'm actually thinking about a GiveAway! What? Like a prize? For commenting and voting? What kind of prize you ask? Come back Friday and I'll tell ya...
Posted by Sugar Jones at 9:37 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I know it looks like the same cup as before, but wait... this is actually a new cup! Come here... closer... LOOK! Wanna know what it says?
I read today's Starbuck's cup... just to see... here's what it read:
Today, we begin the adventure of Homeschooling for the second year. Last year was rife with challenges only because we had to unlearn a lot of the established ways of thinking. We made it across the finish line at the end of the year with big smiles on our faces. And for two weeks after that, we didn't have a clue what to do with ourselves. We have missed the adventures of following a simple question to multiple answers and then following those new questions to even more answers. And through it all, my son picked up a thirst for learning, as well. It's amazing how ready kids are to just soak up their day. I'm so thankful that I have the opportunity to watch it and to be here to guide them. The days are not without their challenges, but then again...
no adventure is.
There's a poll up (finally!) again. What was your favorite subject when you were a kid? What class could you just not get enough of? And in the comments section, please share a story about your favorite teacher or person who inspired you to open your mind and learn. It would be great to read as the teaching mom who could use a little inspiration ever now and then...
Posted by Sugar Jones at 8:36 AM 7 comments
Labels: adventure, coffee, homeschool
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Way I See It...
Do you ever read them? The backs of your Starbucks containers? Move the sleeve and you'll see it. A random quote from someone you may or may not have heard of. Sometimes it's a quote about life. Sometimes about love. Sometimes even about coffee.
And every now and then, there's one that just grabs you right where you're sitting and says, "Listen Up! I got somethin' to tell ya!" This was mine today. The day after the week after the months of self-doubt.
What did your Coffee tell you this week? Were they just random quotes or were any of them little bits of serendipity? Post a picture link or text in the comments section below.
Posted by Sugar Jones at 3:08 PM 9 comments
Labels: coffee, serendipity, Starbucks, The Way I See It
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Good Company, Good Eats
One of the things I like to do is check out new restaurants. It's not really good for the thighs, but hey... it's a lot of fun.
My husband, The Pilot has a favorite beer. It's called The Arrogant Bastard. Yes, irony comes in liquid form, as well. Anyway, it's brewed by a hip local company called Stone. They have a bunch of Gen X'rs in charge, which is always a good thing. They are good greenies, evidenced by putting some walk to their talk. This year they switched to solar power at the brewery and bio-diesel in their trucks. Their philosophy on food mirrors their overall philosopies. And that is right in line with the kind of company I want to support. So last night, we decided to check out the Bistro and Gardens we've been hearing so much about.
The place was packed inside, but also way way outside. They do a special event every Wednesday night: The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Get Out, right? In honor of the weekly showing, they serve Transvestite Meatloaf and Toast. Tempting as that was, I chose the Tandoori Chicken, but only after enjoying Onion Rings the size of bagels and a tasty little salad of Dried Apricots and Prosciutto. I reluctantly shared that with The Pilot who had Mac & Beer Cheese topped with Porter Sausage for dinner. Then it was on to dessert. It was a tough choice, but I finally went with the Arrogant Bastard Chocolate Cake.
Arrogant Bastard meets Chocolate Cake... kinda describes us as a couple, doesn't it?
We took the cake and beer out to the garden where a lovely floating fire pit was blazing. The rock from which the fire was emanating was surrounded by lilies and off to the side, a small waterfall made familiar trickling sounds just as sweet as the cake. It was a great way to end a really cool evening with my arrogant bastard... er, I mean... husband.
I listed the rest of their desserts. Some are kinda crazy, but if you were at a cool new restaurant where people with lawnchairs were marching through to get to see Susan lose her cool, wouldn't you want to try something a little more daring too? Which one of Stones strange desserts would you choose? The poll is up... let's hear it! Oh... and...
Let' do the time warp, again!!!
The Pilot and Mrs. Jones
The big brew machines are the perfect backdrop to the bar.
I love creativity and honesty in a menu.
Here's the movie set up. We're going back for their Family Night movie series. No need to explain Transvestites to the kids just yet...
This was the "floating" fire pit where we enjoyed our dessert.
Right then... go vote now...
Posted by Sugar Jones at 12:29 PM 7 comments
Labels: beer, dessert, food, poll, restaurant, stone brewery
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Next I'll Be Buying The National Enquirer
Okay, so with all this humidity and my photography calendar just filling up like I deserve it (YEAH!), I've had to let Pop Culture talk over this blog for the week. I love to have something joyful, or at the very least funny here. And you know what?
Politics Ain't Funny!
Imagine my surprise when I was totally drawn in by Paris Hilton's energy crisis solution. I know... I know... she had a writer do it all for her. But you know what? I just never thought she could pull off stringing all of those words together!
So, I hope you vote for your favorite candidate and please make sure to play this video. Cause you know... Paris doesn't have nearly enough exposure...
Posted by Sugar Jones at 9:57 PM 7 comments
Labels: Funny or Die, McCain, Obama, Paris Hilton, presidential campaign, White House
Mental Block
I can't think of a poll! I'll have to do some serious thinking while I'm playing Dance Dance Revolution and Wii tonight with the kids from the church. It's TOTALLY TERRIFIC TUESDAY!
Check back tomorrow... my mental block might have been loosened up by the jarring my 30-Somethin' bod takes tonight.
Posted by Sugar Jones at 2:16 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A Revolution Called Hope
So, I met the most amazing women at BlogHer '08. One of them is a tiny little powerhouse named Square Girl who had a dream about spreading hope throughout the land. Her dream has grown and I would like to propogate it some more right here!
Here's the deal...
One day, she just decides to start leaving notes... everywhere... random places... What did the notes say? Oh just sweet little things like "Go slowly and enjoy the journey" or "Believe in your own happiness" or, my favorite, "No one can take the place of you." Now picture your worst day in the last month. One of those days that you just wanted to throw something. Or yell. Or DID throw something WHILE you were yelling. Now pretend you found one of these notes on your windshield right as you were ready to give up on your day getting any better. God, can you imagine the impact a simple note might have had? How much nicer might you have been to the teller, or the barista, or your kids?
I've listed a few suggested notes in my latest poll. Pick your favorite. But don't stop there. Write it down on a slip of paper. A simple 4x4 piece of paper. Then, go against all your feelings of doubt and put it somewhere for someone to find. Leave the rest up to love.
I hope you have a great week and I hope you spread the hope.
(The picture above belongs to a lovely woman named Stephanie. You can find her at Little Purple Cow Photography.)
Posted by Sugar Jones at 4:36 PM 14 comments
Labels: BlogHer, BlogHer 2008, Hope, Hope Notes, Hope Revo, little purple cow, Shutter Sisters, Square Girl, Stephanie Roberts
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Bubble Gum Ice Cream
It's not my favorite flavor... but it definitely reminds me of my favorite story about ice cream. And after all, isn't life just one story after another?
When I was a kid, I belonged to a funky hippy little Blue Bird troupe. It was run by a lady named Cheryl who looked an awful lot like my Kindergarten Teacher, Ms. Bowden and Cher without all the make-up and leather. Sometimes, her friend Popcorn (swear to God) would come and teach us dances like The Hussle in order to earn patches. What can I say... it was the 70s.
We'd occassionally venture out into the world with Cheryl and some of the moms. Because we were a smaller group, we got to go to places that you wouldn't regularly be able to go with a class from school. One trip in particular was to an Ice Cream Shoppe. Big deal, right? Well, we were eight. At that age, ice cream is way more exciting than tar pits with old dinosaur bones. The Ice Cream Shoppe was one of those old-fashioned kind where they made their own ice cream in-house. They also had some really neat flavors that we had never heard of. We walked through the whole place ooh-ing and aah-ing all the way. The final stop of our tour was to try out the newest flavor... Bubble Gum.
I was a shy type and would sometimes not assert myself in group situations. Luckily, I had an equally unassertive friend, Julie. As soon as we were told that we would get a cone, the other girls clamored and clawed to be first in line ignoring the bodily injury that might be caused by such a rush of humanity against plexiglass. My friend and I cautiously stepped aside and quietly went to the back of the line. By the time we got to the front of the line, most of the ice cream was gone.
Our hearts sank...
But wait! What to our wondering eyes did appear? All I could see was a little bit of cream and a whole lot of round colored bits of sweetness... It seems that the density of the gum balls was too much for the ice cream. The majority of the candies had migrated south during the freezing process. So Julie and I got all "neener-neener" on the rest of the troupe. Have your ice cream, we giggled. WE have the GUM!
On the drive home, while the rest of the girls were whining about their tummy aches, Julie and I were all smiley faces as we blew the biggest bubbles you ever saw!
Good things come to those who wait!
I didn't really learn that lesson until much later. At the time, the only lesson I got out of it was that the bottom of the barrel of bubble gum ice cream was the best! These days, I am a supreme fan of Ben & Jerry's Lighten Up version of Cherry Garcia. If, for some crazy reason, a restaurant is serving the not-so-light version, I partake. I mean, how many restaurants (fish restaurant, no less) do you know that serve Cherry Garcia? Seriously?!
So what's your favorite flavor? I'm going to be all (pardon the pun) vanilla on the poll. Just pick your favorite of the list... but do comment on your favorite brand and flavor in the comment section below. Can't wait to hear!
**For my non-blogging friends, just click the comment link, enter your words in the blank pop-up, choose the "name" option, enter your name, then hit "publish." Thanks!
Posted by Sugar Jones at 3:33 PM 5 comments
Labels: Ben and Jerry, Blue Birds, bubble gum, Cherry Garcia, field trip, ice cream, Julie, restaurant, sugar, sweet
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The City
I am on the final countdown to BlogHer! woooo hooooo... I can't wait to go and meet these bloggers in person. I am just going to soak up all that I can. And won't it just be fantastic to be in a room full of people that know what I'm talking about when I say "today's tweet..." But mostly,
I can't wait to go to The City!
A long time ago, for a brief time, I was fortunate enough to have lived in Marin, just across the Golden Gate from The City. Up until then, I had always called it "San Francisco." I also used to say "Trolly" and would never remember to bring a heavy jacket for a summer evening. I even had the gall to order light beer in public. After a few months of sticking out, I began drinking amber ales, left the "Cable Cars" to the brave tourists, bought several beautiful coats, and called it, "The City."
My dream is to one day own a home back up there... once the book deal closes or I win the lotto. Whichever comes first. I just absolutely loved being up there and go back as often as possible. I love walking down Columbus at night. Steam coming up from manholes. Crowded coffee houses. Triple X nudie bars right next to schools... it's just a whole mess of images... and smells... and comforting buzzing noises of a city that is a little seedy, a lot lovely, and totally alive. It feels real and yet magical. Those of you that left your hearts there (haha) know what I mean.
I must admit, however, that I have not yet been introduced to many other American Big Cities. I grew up outside of LA, so been there, done that. But Manhattan? Never. Nashville? Huh-uh. Boston? Nope. Seattle? Seen nothin'! I don't know that any place would ever replace San Francisco, but I would like to visit those cities, as well as so many other intriguing destinations. For now, though... I can't wait to get off the plane at SFO and get some Dim Sum at Yank Sing's!
What about you? What's your favorite city? Where would you like to visit? There's a poll to the right just begging to be clicked! If you have another destination in mind, something off the beaten path, comment below. Maybe I'll add it to my growing list of places to go.
Posted by Sugar Jones at 3:12 PM 15 comments
Labels: cities, destination, San Francisco, The City, travel, vacation
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The List
So I got this idea from Twitter. Here's mine:
i love: riding my beach cruiser to church and the store and the coffee shop
i hate: when people ruminate over the worst-case-scenario in everything
i think: too much... about little stuff... and big stuff... and stuff I can't control
i believe: in the power of forgiveness and that some people deserve a lot of patience and maybe one more chance
i feel: sort of scared, sort of excited, sort of sleepy
i wish: i could get all of my projects done. or at least win the lotto.
What about you? Click on the comment link below and leave your list. (My friends without blogs, just fill in your name and "publish" your comment) I can't wait to see your lists!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I love this magnet. I laughed so hard when I found it. A little too hard making the goth kids at Barnes & Noble walk away from me. At the time, I was right in the middle of so many projects and catching up on school with the kids towards the end of the year. Something had to give. Not wanting that "something" to be my mind, I let things get a little messy around here. To most people that's not a big deal. To me, it's like not brushing your teeth for eight straight days. My home is not a museum, by any means, but I do start to get a little anxious when the dishes fill the sink and Legos are strewn about all three floors of our compact townhome. I'm much better now, but I used to obsess... ask the kids... "Everything has a place and everything IN it's place." No worries... I have savings accounts for all of them for their eventual trips to the therapist. Like I said,
I'm much better now.
These days, when I reach into the fridge for the Vanilla Creamer for my morning cup of joe, I take a second to look at my dreaming friend, breathe in deeply, and let out a little laugh at the OCD I used to be. And when I come back in from the patio, I look around the house...
and I go get the vaccuum.
What necessary task do you wish you could just dream away? What would make your life so much simpler if it was already done? Or better yet, never had to be done again?!
Posted by Sugar Jones at 3:15 PM 8 comments
Labels: chores, clean house, dream
Thursday, June 19, 2008
And Gosh Darn It, I Like Myself!
Do you remember the old Saturday Night Live skit? It was pretty funny, but it left a lot of people thinking that liking yourself (Gosh Darnit) was for the goofy and lame.
I tend to get down on myself sometimes, but then I realize that I'm okay. Claudia Jean, the Queen of Self Esteem sends me an email each week called Poz Bod Talk (as in, positive body talk). One thing that struck me this week was being kind to yourself for thinking that you are anything less than glorious. So I did what she said and I posted a sticky on my computer that says, "I forgive you." When I start to criticize myself in body or mind, I look up at that sticky and say, "Sugar, I forgive you... you sweet thing, you!"
So if you've been hard on yourself anytime in the last few weeks, days, or possibly hours, say, "I forgive you." To fill that void, why don't you pick a part... a part of yourself that is the best of you. There's a poll to the side with some positive attributes. You likely have more than one, but for the sake of the poll, what's your best-best?
Any sage words for the rest of us? Post a comment below.
And have a MAGNIFICENT day!
Posted by Sugar Jones at 11:49 AM 6 comments
Labels: attributes, body, forgiveness, poll, positive
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Getting Joy Back
Some days... life sucks...
Things don't go your way. People are nasty. Gas goes up ten cents over night. Your dog eats your homework. All that good stuff. The thing is, life is still going to go on whether you snap out of it or not. But sometimes it's much harder to get back on track. Sometimes, we all could use a little extra summthin'-summthin'. Something more than positive self-talk and affirmations.
The other morning, I woke up feeling like I was done feeling down from the night before. I could think of no better way to get my Sugar back than to jump on my Beach Cruiser and ride around town. I rode around the fountain. I rode to the coffee shop for my Americano. I rode around the rose bushes. The wind in my hair, the sun rising over the hills, and all the sounds of a world coming to life at 6:30 in the a.m. were fantastic! It was all I needed.
So when someone or some thing steals your joy, what do you do to get it back? I'd love to hear your comments or, if you prefer, vote at the poll on the right... right over there... yeah, that one. Go on... click away!
Posted by Sugar Jones at 6:00 AM 14 comments
Labels: beach cruiser, bike, joy, poll
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Pick a Word
I hate being "tagged" as something... only ONE thing... I am WAY more dynamic than one tiny little adjective. However, there are times when I am feeling a feeling. And in that moment, a word will come to define that space in time.
Right now... where you are... what word would you use? There's a poll of to the right just waiting to be clicked on.
Go on... I dare you.
Posted by Sugar Jones at 6:26 PM 7 comments
Labels: adjective, definitions, dynamic, poll
Thursday, May 15, 2008
This courtyard is the "parking lot." Love it.
This is what I walk up to every day...
Somebody slap me with a big fat stick if I ever complain...
Posted by Sugar Jones at 12:22 PM 2 comments
Labels: roses